What should you wear to a wedding?

What should you wear to a wedding?

What to wear to a wedding? Whether we like it or not, wedding season is upon us. I say us like just because it’s happening to me it must be happening to the whole world. LOL.

It’s so weird that weddings have started happening cause I still feel WAY too young to be getting married (I mean I’m only in my late 20’s!), but it would seem that my peers have different ideas and all seem to be getting hitched.

My next 5 ways to wear blog post will be 5 ways to wear occasions so whether you’re dressing for a wedding or a formal event you can find some inspiration, but for now I spoke to the girls in the squad about what they would wear to a wedding.

And to help you even further I’ve included a big visual list of suggestions for you, just click over the images to find out more details, and click for shoppable links:

I hope you found this post useful! You can ‘like’ it by pressing the thumbs up button if you did. Let me know if you ended up buying any of my recommendations and happy wedding!

Speak to you soon,


with love from ashley black

Ashley James

Ashley James

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