Chapter 5: Bacalar and the Seven Shades of Blue
“I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” Mary Anne Radmacher Bacalar is an area in the very south of Quintana Roo just a couple of hours drive south of Tulum
Chapter 4: Making Friends
“A man's vanity is more fragile that you might think. It's easy for us to mistake shyness for coldness, and silence for indifference.” Lisa Kleypas Shyness is not a personality trait anyone would expect me to possess, even my own
Chapter 3: Holbox Island
“Wherever you go, becomes a part of you somehow.” Anita Desai HOLBOX ISLAND I try not to visit the same place twice if I can avoid it, because there’s so much of the world to see and I intend to
Chapter 2: Fear and Judgement
As I made the ten hour plane journey to Cancun, a thousand questions flooded my mind: Will I get lonely? Will I make friends? Will I be safe? What if I’m robbed? What if I get into trouble? My mind
Chapter 1: Going Travelling
“Holy fuck!”, I thought as I walked through airport security, away from a waving Charlotte as I fought back tears. It seemed ironic that in walking into airport security, I was leaving behind my own. “What the fu*king fu*k am
Bootcamp in Morocco!
A lot of you have been asking me about the No1 bootcamp I did recently in Morocco, so I thought I would write about my time there. It was such an incredible experience for me, and found it was exactly
Fitness with friends
Last night I skipped the usual boozy Friday activities and did fitness with friends. AJ Odudu was blue team captain at the most awesome Pack class at the Virgin Active gym in Channing Street and invited me to be on her team alongside Pandora, Pips, and